
Unfolding: A Conversation with Lesley Mok and Phillip Golub on Dream Brigade

In an age where the romanticized façades and angered “hot takes” of social media dominate the interpersonal, meaningful relationships- platonic, professional, or otherwise – are a treasured rarity. Paradoxically, those connections are essential for societal improvement and the existence of a robust community. Why should one care about social change if they have no reason […]

Subliminal Input: A Conversation with Jon Irabagon on ‘Server Farm’

Computer scientist Alan Kay once noted, “Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.” Despite consistently recurring alarmist narratives, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will never truly supplant humanity. While the emerging technology will present […]